Plug the Protein Gap
Originally published in the Mail on Sunday, 5th March 2023.
Many people think that becoming frail is an inevitable consequence of ageing, but in reality it can be avoided with simple changes to our lifestyle.
Working as a dietitian on medical and surgical wards and often with older people who have experienced a fall, Zoe Cottrell spends a lot of time telling people the same message: as we age, we need to increase the amount of protein we eat to get the same benefits from it as we did when we were younger.

A recent survey of 2,000 people in the UK by Provytl – the company Zoe founded – found that a ‘protein gap’ exists between what people over 50 should be consuming each day and what they actually consume.
She says: ‘Much of this gap I believe is down to a lack of knowledge – because often it is not until someone has had a medical incident, such as a fall which requires a stay in hospital, that they speak to a dietitian who tells them that the body’s ability to process protein decreases as we age.
‘Numerous studies show that age-related decline in muscle mass – also known as sarcopenia – can be avoided if we increase our daily protein intake, and that if a supplement is required, whey protein isolate is the most beneficial form of protein for older adults.
‘We’ve developed a protein calculator to help you check if you are consuming enough protein. If you’re one of the 77 per cent of people in the UK who, according to our survey, are not eating the optimum amount of protein every day, daily sachets of our Provytl 50+ protein supplement are easy to incorporate into your meals and drinks. And if you want some inspiration, we’re here to help.’
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